Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What is your motivation?

I'm realizing as I am building my business, that motivation is key. 

However, being motivated for the right reason is important. 

When I started, I had a short term goal to reach, and when I did my flame died down and I was much less involved. Consequently my business started to die down as well, because after all if you aren't doing any work, then you are not going to have a successful business.

I needed to take a step back and figure out why I was really doing this, and if I wanted to continue. The only reason I could come up with for not was pure laziness on my part. I could, can, and have made this work. My team wasn't going to do this for me. Sure they were there for me during my absence so-to-speak, but they weren't going to do this for me. I needed to get up, and get to work.

No one was going to be able to push me into this, or make me do it. I had to do this for me and for my family. Not for a short term goal or bonus, but to ensure that we had financial stability when my husband goes to dental school in a year and a half and can't work like he is now getting his bachelor's.

My success is my choice, and I have to motivate myself.

"Motivation from an outside source does not last. Success in any endeavor is based on what is motivating you from within. THAT is the DNA of all Success. On a scale to 1 to 100 it is a 100. FYI...50 on that scale is halfhearted and we know that doesn't work."
 - Jack Zufelt, author of best seller "DNA of Success" and my grandpa :) 
So what is your motivation?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Jessica for sharing this post!! Motivation IS the key!!


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