Whenever you are giving a presentation to someone and you are trying to convince them that what you have is what they need, there is one very important thing you should remember:
You should
What does that mean? It means you are in charge of the presentation, and you are directing it. You are asking questions that are giving you necessary feedback to successfully close.
For example, after part of your presentation you can ask questions like “Are you with me so far?" or "How does that
sound?” or, “Do you see what I mean?” and, “Does that make sense?”
Listen carefully to what they say and how they say it, and use their answers to tell you where you need to focus on.
Any time you give a benefit, make sure to ask, "Can you see how this would benefit you/your family?" or, “Could
you use that?" Cause them to come up with their own reasons that what you have will be beneficial for them. Listen to their answers and build on that.
Always make sure you're periodically asking if they have any questions! If you don't those questions may go unanswered and be the seeds of doubt.
Trial closes are always good. “Does this seem to be the kind of solution you are looking for?" or,
“How is this sounding so far?” will help you know what is going on inside their mind.
When you’re finished with your presentation, always ask, “What haven’t I covered yet that is important to you?" This is a great way to make sure you've covered all the bases, and that their concerns are addressed.
So have confidence, take charge, ask questions and then make sure to be quiet and listen, and you will see stronger closes as you present.
-These ideas are paraphrased from an article by Mike Brooks, the president of Inside Sales Solutions, a
Los Angeles based inside sales consulting and training firm that teaches
companies and sales reps how to become Top 20% producers-
Woo hoo! I love your energy! Great post!
ReplyDeleteThis is AWESOME Jessica!! Thanks for sharing as this is important to remember.