Time Freedom
Just a few years ago, the economic recession was poised to destroy Brooke and Jason’s finances and their hope for the future. But thanks to this home business, they enjoy greater financial freedom today than they ever have before.
The Big Announcement
In 2009, Brooke made an exciting announcement to her husband: she was pregnant with their second child. After the initial celebration died down, Jason’s mind began swirling with questions and doubts.
“It was exciting, but it was also scary,” Jason remembers. “I wasn’t sure we could afford all of the expenses that come with having a baby.”
“I have friends who have lots of money but no time, and friends who have lots of time but no money,” Jason says. “I guess you could say we didn’t have either one.”
But their worries were offset by one ray of hope: their growing home business. That spring, in 2010, they hey earned a hope-inspiring check for $6,761, and then eclipsed it with a monthly check for $21,662 before the end of the year.
Real Time Freedom
“This has given us an extraordinary sense of freedom, so we’re just trying to help others have that experience as well,” says Jason, whose total income (so far) of $642,417 has all but obliterated his financial worries. “I used to wake up to an alarm at 4 a.m., but now my two boys are my alarm clock.”
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