Her belief system was shattered when she was downsized from her corporate job that she had for over 18 years.
“I was barely living pay check to pay check with my job, so I was definitely devastated and just didn’t know what I was going to do” says Micki.
As a single mom of 2 kids she was the sole financial provider for her family and her options were slim to none. It was then when she decided to look at building a business at home. “I was so skeptical about home businesses. I had been approached by so many people, and they all seemed to be full of such hype and false promises.” says Micki.
“My feeling was right. When I began researching and asking questions it became clear to me that that almost all of these businesses were Multi-level Marketing or Party Plan businesses.”

She Finally Had a Ray of Hope “I didn’t have to do parties, I didn’t have to take orders or have an inventory, I didn’t have to promote some products that promised miracles. It was a real business that competes in the real market place and something I could represent with my head held high,” says Micki. “I finally felt like I had a ray of hope,” she adds.
Since Micki started, she has earned over $706,000 dollars with her home business. “To me, the most important part of this business, is the residual income that continues to come in month after month. Currently my monthly residual income is around $7,500 every month, no matter what. Even better, it consistently grows. I never had that kind of security with my corporate job,” She says.
Micki remembers the first time she was able to pay all her bills, in full, in the month of December. Enjoying Christmas with her children without financial stress was the best Christmas gift ever. “The other incredible thing is that when one person achieves success, you know that so many others around that person are as well. You can’t be successful with this business unless you help others to have success. That is a mission that I am so proud to be on.”
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